How To Be Unstoppable

Dan French PhD
4 min readApr 20, 2021

On any given day you can either live passively and let the world control you or you can decide to be unstoppable with an active life strategy.

Here’s how.

Just Decide To

Do you want to be unstoppable? Do you want to have days where you can actually get something constructive done? Do you want to be able to remain unfazed when persistent emotions and life situations drag you down? Forget the one-size-fits-all self-help gurus, online therapy, or unsustainable drastic life changes. We are all blessed with a mind of our own but in a complicated world, it's easy to lose sight of our goals and our needs and let the world run us instead of the other way around.

The first thing you have to do on the road to becoming unstoppable is easy, you just need to decide to. Every day you are either an active or passive participant in your life — in order to become unstoppable, you have to be active and take control. Passive days are when you let events, people, and emotions derail you, but there is no derailing after you decide to be unstoppable.

Be Aware of What Drags You Down

Think about your triggers and what always drags you down. A Zoom meeting you dread, stress or anxiety because of money, a relationship issue, ongoing obsessive thoughts with a lot of what-ifs, or just plain unhappiness with any situation. Some triggers are ongoing, they are no surprise, others are pop-up hazards. It doesn’t matter what they are, it matters how you visualize them. When you decide to be unstoppable you’ll no longer dread the problems, you’ll face them head-on. When you live passively, you let the triggers drag you down, when you live actively they are merely barriers to get across.

Be Your Own Secret Superhero

Now that you know your triggers, it’s time to pull out your shield and your springy shoes. In order to be unstoppable, barriers, unwanted calls, persistent emotions, and unexpected setbacks are just hurdles or hoops to get through. Visualize them in this way and know that superheroes have shields that can repel any threats that might derail their day. When you’re unstoppable, you see things coming at you and you actively decide to repel, deal with, and move on to what you need to do next. Don’t get caught up in the minutia of the moment, you’re on a mission. Bad moments, unpleasant situations, and unplanned setbacks bounce off of your shield and you keep moving forward. When you’re a superhero, you can see the world from 30,000 feet and you’re seeing the big picture which is like watching the chapters of your life unfold. You’re not concerned with petty things from way up there, when you see the big picture you begin to see who and what is really important to you.

Embrace Your Emotions as Springboards or Visitors

Emotions are sparks that can light fires. Emotions are the most powerful motivators known to man. When you’re passive with your emotions they control you and lead to regretful words and actions. When you’re active with your emotions they are springboards to action. If something angers you fix it, deal with it, or use the energy to catapult you out of your lazy old comfort zone. Being angry with no outlet just causes more trouble, and being happy and not enjoying it is a waste of life.

Some emotions don’t easily go away. Love, hate, jealousy, and envy like to hang around and even superheroes can’t turn them off. Don’t try to ‘fix’ these emotions, you can’t. Let them come into your head, recognize them for what they are, say hello, and tell the emotion that “I know you’re there but today I’m unstoppable, if I have time later we can talk.” Negative persistent emotions hate it when you decide to put them off until later, especially if they’re used to getting attention.

Celebrate Progress and Take What You Can Get

It’s easy to be unstoppable, but even superheroes have their kryptonite. Despite your best attempt, any unstoppable day can go off the rails. Even though you’re a superhero, not everyone is rooting for you. A scratch on your new car, screaming kids, a layoff, or a relationship issue can bring down even the most resilient of us. That’s ok. Celebrate any progress you made and any victories you’ve had. Micro-wins are wins after all, and the beauty of a day gone wrong is that you can learn from it and use it to strengthen your shields for the next day. None of us are perfect, but we can all be our own superheroes.



Dan French PhD

Educator, author, and over-thinker writing about current events, teaching, learning, and life.